When we first launched our website in 2015, I had this idea of including a blog to share teacher and student insights, and every year, for the past nine years, I would revisit that idea from time to time. But it was daunting for me: what if I had nothing to write? What if no one reads it? What if no one wants to contribute their thoughts? What if it just becomes purposeless?
This year, on our #Roadto10Years, while I was laying down the high level plans for Treehouse along with the monthly themes, the first thing on my list was to recalibrate. I couldn't shake it off, as if it HAD to be the first for the year.
So I sat with this persistent word. And I realized that it was a message, first and foremost, for me and my limiting stories about something so mundane as writing a blog entry.
This month is a wonderful opportunity to pause, reflect, and realign intentions—not only for our yoga practice but also for our life beyond the mat.
Redefining Narratives
In a class, every yoga pose tells a unique, personal story, and usually it is swimming in our thoughts: Why am I not stable in my tree pose today? How come I was able to do <insert pose here> before and not this time around? Why am I so restless in savasana?
On the mat, recalibration might mean exploring subtle shifts in alignment to redefine how a pose feels. Off the mat, this translates to revisiting the stories you tell yourself about who you are and what you’re capable of. Are these narratives serving me, or am I making someone else's story about me correct? If our narratives do not boost our morale, our confidence, or it they make us feel small, it might be time to rewrite them and retell our story to ourselves with compassion and clarity.
Checking for Intention
Intentions act as the anchor for both our yoga practice and our personal growth. This month reminds us to take a moment to reflect: What did I set out to achieve or embody this year? (Honestly, though, if there is nothing profound and you plan to live life intentionally day-by-day, whatever that may mean to you, this is enough.)
On the mat, this might mean moving mindfully with purpose rather than simply flowing through sequences. Off the mat, it’s a chance to evaluate whether your daily choices align with your goals and values. Is this the person I aim to be? Am I giving the right effort and putting in the right amount of work on myself?
Making Adjustments and Staying Open
Life, like yoga, is dynamic. What worked yesterday may need tweaking today. From my own experience, this is sometimes exciting and enjoyable, but most of the time, the uncertainty can sometimes be frustrating. In which aspects of my life can I welcome flexibility and discover happiness in uncertainty?
In our practice, this could mean modifying poses or exploring props to honor your body’s needs. It is that soft smile when a pose you've been used to becomes challenging or wobbly, accepting and not judging the body that we have for today. In life, recalibrating may involve adjusting your routines, perspectives, or even long-held beliefs. Being open to other ways of looking at things—whether it’s a challenging asana or a complex life situation—can unlock new possibilities. How can I do things or look at things differently? Whose guidance or wisdom do I need?
Recalibration is not a one-time thing. We have to be able to do it many times, over and over. Sometimes, on a moment-to-moment basis. But for this month of January, let Recalibrate guide you toward a more balanced and intentional path. Join us at the studio as we explore what it means to recalibrate, both on and off the mat.
Let my starting with this blog post be the first light on our #Roadto10Years.
Interested to write for Treehouse Yoga? We'd love to read your stories and musings!
Sharing your insights, both on and off the mat, is a wonderful way to foster connection and remind us that we are not alone in our thoughts. In fact, it helps anchor us in our asanas and enrich our practice.
We will feature up to 5 stories aligned with our monthly theme, due on the 10th and 20th day of the month. Featured articles will be on the Treehouse Insight page and will be available to the public. By-line is optional.
Authors of published posts will be granted two (2) Treehouse Yoga Gratitude Passes as our way of saying thanks for contributing to the community.
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